Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mark December 17th down in the books - this was the night that Ella wore panties to bed for the first time!! One kid out of diapers/pullups, very proud of my big girl!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Very proud of my hubby collecting $920 in donations towards Men's Health Awareness Month. Part of what is called "Movember" is that he had to grow a mustache. He won first in donations right behind the President & Vice President which won him an IPad. Merry Christmas to us!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Mark won a hunting trip as an incentive through work and was gone December 1 - 4th. It was in Minnesota and he was very excited about the possibility of getting to shoot a deer. No one on the trip got anything but I think he had fun and hopefully came back relaxed.

November 21, 2011

So several doctors have advised us on removing little Miss Ella's tonsils & adenoids. Today was the day for surgery. Mark took Mason to Elaine's very early and I took Ella for surgery. We had to be there at 7:00 am for her 8:00 am surgery. She wanted to take her backpack with some toys. She had no idea what was getting ready to happen to her even after talking about it several times to help prepare her. Once they gave her some medicine to help get her loopy she was swaying back and forth on the bed and she said "mommy, you look like a spider, he he." I held her then before they took her back. Ella then asked "mommy, will you rock me like a baby. Mommy, you aren't doing it right."

Surgery took maybe 30 minutes and after it was over I could hear her crying from the waiting room. First couple days were rough to try and get her to drink, eat and take her medicine. After a week of the medicine I stopped giving it to her because it was Hyrdocodone and said it may cause drowsiness, nope not for my little girl. Kept her wide awake. I thought surgery day she would be real sleepy especially after anesthesia but no she only took a 45 minute nap. As of last Thursday I believe we are back to normal. No more medicine and she is eating and drinking normal. Her sleep pattern needs some help. She keeps trying to climb into mommy & daddy's bed between 4:30 - 5:30 am.

I can already tell a difference. I haven't heard any snoring and I think she is sleeping more soundly. Hope to make a difference also with her allergies.

November Pictures