Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Fun of Pregnancy

Who out there wants to volunteer to come over and cook my 2 year dinner tonight? I'm nauseous and can't stand the smell and sight of food and my husband just informed me that he is working late. Oh the joys of pregnancy on a good note today they may have figured out why I'm getting a rash on my belly - allergic to the stretch mark cream it happened last night after I used it. It's going in the garbage, it's all just a ploy to try and get you to by their lotion doesn't work. Want proof - look at my belly! If you are going to get them you are going to get them.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Fun Weekend

Had the best weekend with my family. Saturday we took Ella to the Louisville Science Center which she is probably too young for but they had a kids zone that she completely loved. It had a water room with a giant water table, she drove a bus, played doctor, watched herself on tv and played in an airplane that had a slide. Afterwards we took her to the Old Spaghetti Factory so she could see the train inside. I think there was too much excitement because she wouldn't eat much - too bad Ella you don't know what you were missing mommy is sure enjoying it for lunch today. She of course fell asleep on the way home and we had trouble in the transfer from the car to bed staying asleep and then she fought it and never slept again. Saturday night Mark wasn't feeling very good maybe from all of the walking so Ella and I went over to Haley's and she played with Harper & Hudson. Sunday she slept until 8:00 am which is just unheard of but wonderful and she went over to Jackson's to play so more. We did make it home before nap time yesterday!! I appreciate how loving Ella and Mark were yesterday since I was parked on the couch with some nausua all night. Ella kept saying "Mommy tummy hurt."

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Just got a text from Ms. Elaine and I most quote...

"Ok so Miss Ella has handed me poo 2 times today. She says mess Laine. Once playing in tunnel and other laying down for nap. Gosh!"

My response...

"That is gross but definitely making me laugh out loud"

Ms. Elaine...

"Yeah me too I tried to be firm but she kept saying of mess how do you not laugh"

This must mean we have got to be close to potty training, wouldn't you think?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Thought for the day

Are ear infections contagious? Is it hereditary? I went to the doctor yesterday and I have one and Ella was up all night screaming and crying, is her dreaded ear infection back again. Can't handle another one. Elaine said she woke up screaming during yesterday's nap. Outlook does not look good. Going back to pediatrician again today at 4:00. They did say last week at her 2 week appointment that she had some fluid still in her ear. Why don't they give medicine for beginning stages of ear infections no they wait until no one in the house gets any sleep because my poor 2 year old is up screaming because of the pains in her ears. Makes complete sense. Those stinkers (that's from Ella)! They just another $20 copay from mommy & daddy!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Proud Mommy & Daddy

Oh my gosh my little girl is getting so big. I have never been so excited and proud...she pooped in the potty!!! We went to see Great Grandma Jean yesterday and went out in the lobby to get popcorn and Miss Ella was walking around like she had just gotten off a horse so either she had just pooped and had a load in her pants or was getting ready to. I took her to the bathroom and she pooped in the potty. She probably thinks Mommy is crazy because I got so excited but we flushed and waved bye bye to the poopy!