Monday, August 17, 2009

18 months

Took Ella for her 18 month checkup today: 35.8 lbs (above 95% percentile) and 35.25 inches tall (above 95% percentile) - height may be questionable who can get an 18 month to stand still but their definitely wasn't any doubt about what percentile she was in. Growing like a weed!!

Mark went to Green Bay with Jason for the Packers/Browns preseason game. Kept getting text messages from him during the game finally I asked him about the game and the only response was "The Browns Suck." Apparently they didn't do so hot this weekend. Ella and I had a lot of quality mommy & daughter time this weekend. The key word in that sentence is "mommy." Instead of momma it is now mommy and I think I heard it about 1,000 times this weekend. Saturday she played her little heart out. We swam in the backyard. She went nonstop from the sandbox to the pool to the swing for a good hour. She played so hard we had to have a bath before lunch to get the glued sand off of her. Yesterday not as graceful. Poor thing was tripping over air. She feel down yesterday every time I looked over. After dinner we put on pj's and went for ice cream. I got her the smallest cup of vanilla soft serve and brought it home. I went to give it to her and she kept shaking her head and saying no. Oh no child you want this....she finally got a bite and then kept asking for more.

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