Monday, June 8, 2009

Ella & Jackson

Friday Mark and I were just going to rent a movie and have some popcorn after Ella went to bed but the Padget's called and said come on over and we can let the kids run and wear each other out. That is exactly what they did. Saturday we had a repeat performance.

Ella & Jackson playing in the pool

Ella & Jackson playing in the pool

Ella & Jackson & Kate playing in the pool

Ella playing (or thinking) in the pool (notice the tongue again)

Taking a milk break on the window sill

Kate & Mark pushing the kids down the slip & slide. Ella actually did it a couple times then started to freak as noticed in this picture.

Ella & Jackson going on a bike ride. I told Jackson before they left that he needed to take care of Ella because she might get scared because she had never been on a bike ride before. Cute little guy held her hand the entire time. Ella eventually fell asleep and Jackson kept holding her hand. Mark said at one point he had one hand on top & bottom of Ella's.

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