Monday, February 9, 2009

Ella Stories

Several new Ella Stories:

1. Mark took Ella to the doctor on Friday to get her ears checked. She had been waking up numerous times during the night crying so we thought something might be going on with the ears. Yes - she has an ear infection.

2. Friday night dinner we decided to give Ella her applesauce and a spoon to attempt to feed herself. It was hilarious and adorable. She started out dipping her entire hand in the applesauce and then put her entire hand in her mouth. Then she started dipping the spoon and putting it in her mouth. Towards the end she started to get some applesauce on it. After she was wearing the majority of the applesauce she licked the container clean.

3. Yesterday at dinner we did the same thing with mashed potatoes and she loves it. She was wearing the majority of it but she had so much fun doing it and I didn't mind because it was bath night.

4. Bath time - I did what we call naked baby express to the bathroom for bath time. I took off her diaper in the bathroom to get her ready to put in the water. I guess I wasn't fast enough. She took a little tinkle on the floor. Although it wasn't very little it seemed like a lot. She was standing next to toilet with her hands on the lid and just let loose with the pee. I'll never forget it!!

I don't know if everyone knows yet but my friend Haley had her twin girls on January 28th. They are about a month early but both girls are doing very well. Haley & Breck got to bring them home on Saturday. I took them dinner on Sunday and finally got to hold one of the girls (Hudson). Harper was busy eating so I'll get to see her next time. They seem to be adjusting well and the girls are so tiny and cute!!

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