Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Yes I know our house (or should I say our living room) looks like toys'r'us threw up in there. We need to purge some toys just haven't had time yet. Definitely not getting rid of the babies, that may be one of her favorite past times. If you tell her to feed the baby, she will. Sometimes the baby gets tossed or dropped or Ella sucks on the baba instead of the baby but the concept is there. You gotta love pj's with feet - what a cutie!!

Feeding herself with a spoon

Ice Storm 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Last night Ella was fighting going to sleep and I know it's time for us just to be able to go in and lay her down. I know we started a very bad habit holding her until she falls asleep but I only get to see her for maybe 2 hours after work and I try to soak up as much Ella time that I can get. Anyway last night she was fighting the sleeps so we went in her room and I tried to read her 2 books but she wasn't really having it and kissed her good night laid her down and turned and closed the door. She cried (not really even), fussed for about 2 minutes and that was it. We'll see for tonight how easy it works.

Monday, February 23, 2009

February 20 - 22, 2009

We had a very good weekend. I did my meal planning on Friday and grocery shopping after Ella went to bed. Let me tell you that is the time to be at the grocery. No lines, no older people blocking the lanes the only bad part is that the deli is always closed. I can get so much accomplished and quicker. There are a few crazies walking around during this time but does that mean I fall in that category? Saturday Mark and Jason drove to Nashville, TN for a turkey convention (sounds like great fun, huh!). Ella and I went to Britt Redman's 2nd birthday party. Ella was not very sociable maybe it was because she played with the kitchen set they had for about an hour and plus most of the kids were either way older or younger than her. I think she had fun though and I even shared a couple bites of cake with her. Yesterday Mark and Ella had some great father/daughter time while I went and helped my friend Alison give a baby shower for our friend Jaime. It was very nice and good to see all the old bball girls!! I will try and get some pictures uploaded of Ella tonight (I know I haven't done that in a while)!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Friday, January 13, 2009

Ella had her 12 month check-up at the doctor's on Friday. It was confirmed we have a very healthy growing baby girl!! She weighs 28 lbs and 6 ounces and is 33 1/4 inches long. She is topping out both categories in the 95th percentile. She didn't start crying until it was time for shots and it's still affecting her. We have been battling the fever and crankiness all weekend and thanks to the measles, mumps and rubella shot we may be battling it for a while. Doctor said that shot sometimes has a delayed reaction.

Gramma & Pappaw came down to watch Ella so Mark and I could go out for a date. I made reservations at a sushi restaurant and then we went to watch a movie. Yes - I stayed awake for the entire thing to which is suprising since the movie theater was packed with teeny bobbers and the 9:25 viewing was sold out so we had to see the 9:55. We killed an hour and a half people watching in the lobby. Very interesting and I tried to get Mark to take some pictures with his cell phone but we were not quick enough. We saw Taken. Very good movie and after watching so to tell you Ella you'll never be able to leave the house when you get older without Mommy & Daddy!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Ella Stories

Several new Ella Stories:

1. Mark took Ella to the doctor on Friday to get her ears checked. She had been waking up numerous times during the night crying so we thought something might be going on with the ears. Yes - she has an ear infection.

2. Friday night dinner we decided to give Ella her applesauce and a spoon to attempt to feed herself. It was hilarious and adorable. She started out dipping her entire hand in the applesauce and then put her entire hand in her mouth. Then she started dipping the spoon and putting it in her mouth. Towards the end she started to get some applesauce on it. After she was wearing the majority of the applesauce she licked the container clean.

3. Yesterday at dinner we did the same thing with mashed potatoes and she loves it. She was wearing the majority of it but she had so much fun doing it and I didn't mind because it was bath night.

4. Bath time - I did what we call naked baby express to the bathroom for bath time. I took off her diaper in the bathroom to get her ready to put in the water. I guess I wasn't fast enough. She took a little tinkle on the floor. Although it wasn't very little it seemed like a lot. She was standing next to toilet with her hands on the lid and just let loose with the pee. I'll never forget it!!

I don't know if everyone knows yet but my friend Haley had her twin girls on January 28th. They are about a month early but both girls are doing very well. Haley & Breck got to bring them home on Saturday. I took them dinner on Sunday and finally got to hold one of the girls (Hudson). Harper was busy eating so I'll get to see her next time. They seem to be adjusting well and the girls are so tiny and cute!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Nap Time or Maybe Cat Nap

So this morning when I dropped off Ella and Elaine was telling me about nap time yesterday. She said all the kids had laid down and were sleeping and 20 minutes later Ella sat right up in her bed. She has bi-passed the morning nap at Elaine's and the afternoon nap is only lasting 20-45 minutes. I'm sure that I am to blame because we hold her at home until she falls asleep. I know this is a parenting no no but I can't help. We are just trying to soak up as much Ella time as possible at night. Sorry to Elaine!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Yes!!!! Last night when I was putting pj's on Ella the power came back on. I thought I heard something and I started looking around and the light on Ella's wipe warmer was on. I starting screaming. Ella looked completely confused and a little scared. Didn't phase her at all though. She kept bringing me books to read. She did get up 4 times last night. I had to make myself not go in there. She's getting a new tooth and we started a bad thing when the power was off going to get because we were afraid she was cold. She'll be worn out today when we pick her up because all of her friends will be back at Elaine's.

Monday, February 2, 2009

February 2, 2009

Alright I know it's coming (the electricity) but it's seems like forever. I'm so over not having my kitchen appliances, the television and oh how I miss my blow dryer & flat iron. I have looked like a bush woman for almost a week now. If you haven't heard we are currently on our 3rd generator. Teresa, thankfully had purchased us one after our week without power after the hurricane winds. We went through two by Friday. Mark went yesterday to Lowe's and bought a heavy duty expensive one that better last us the rest of our lives. Mark, Geoff and the neighbor Tony were successful in hooking up the furnace to the generator so we have heat but that's it.

Little Miss Ella has been such a sweetheart through all of this. She doesn't realize what is going on. She keeps grabbing the remote and pushing the buttons and pointing it at the tv. She's not been sleeping very well I think she is cutting a new tooth on the bottom and early this week when we didn't have power and she cried I would go and get her because I was afraid she was cold. She is going to be so mad at me tonight because she can't keep doing this to mommy - mommy is tired too.

Anyway the people who live 2 streets in front of us and 2 streets behind us all have power and Mark said a couple of houses at the end of our street have it so maybe it will be tonight. I used to like to go out to eat, not anymore, I'm so sick of take out. I brought a roast & carrots to work today to cook in my crockpot.