Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I think Ella is finally getting over whatever virus she had. The throwing up and diarrhea has stopped and she is definitely starting to act normal again. The doctor said on Monday that he couldn't believe that she didn't get when we did before but anyway I think it's on its way out. She was so excited to get back to Elaine's with all of her friends although her boyfriend yesterday must have been so excited to see her that he bit her - not cool Jacob!!

The party planning for the big one year celebration is moving right along. I think all of the remaining loose ends can't be done until right before the party.

Mark is going out of town with Jason & Chris this weekend for a big hunting trip so I think Ella and I will go to Anderson to visit with her cousins, aunt and gam ma & pappaw (if she continues to feel ok).

1 comment:

The Millers said...

Hooray for no more sickness! The kiddos and I will be here, bored I'm sure. Any movies you want to see?
Oh, and tell Ella that when a boy bites her, he REALLY likes her ;)