Tuesday, December 16, 2008

December 11 - 14, 2008

We have had a marathon party weekend. My company's Christmas Party was on Thursday, Mark's Company Party was on Friday, we had a white elephant gift party Saturday night, and then we were invited for dinner on Sunday at a co-workers house. Friday night Ella had her first babysitter that was not a relative or friend. Amanda did a great job, she is Elaine's daughter, that is the lady that watches Ella during the week. Saturday night the McBarnette's watched her for us and we took her on Sunday. She was such the trooper this weekend especially even after we took her Christmas shopping at the mall yesterday but she did get to see Santa. You would think by looking at this picture she was the sweetest angel and have you ever seen a more perfect child sitting on Santa's lap but there were several takes of the picture. She started to turn and Santa and his helpers started screaming her name, jumping around and ringing bells to keep her attention. When I sat Ella on Santa' s lap she looked up at me and looked at him and the expression on her face was priceless. Kind of one of those looks like "I don't know this man - mommy & daddy help me!" Where did the weekend go, it wasn't long enough, needed a couple of extra days to rest after all those parties. That's just part of the fun of holidays.

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