Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy 6 months to my cute little baby Mason!!! You were a handful this weekend but it's all worth it when you give me that toothless grin. Come on baby you need to pop out those two little teethers on the bottom. We go for our 6 month checkup this Friday. Miss Ella was very excited to get dressed up in her dance recital outfit for pictures on Saturday. Curling her hair was definitely a challenge. Thank goodness for Trista helping me out. There was so much gel and hair spray in her hair. Washed it twice on Saturday night. Will try and download pictures of both tomorrow (left the camera at the house).

Friday, March 25, 2011

Twinkle Toes

So this Saturday Ella has picture day with her dance class. Everyone mark your calendars for May 15th for the recital. Hope everyone can make it. No worries about the number of tickets we get, they said we can bring as many people as we want!

Going to do a test run tonight with her hair. I have to pull it half up and curl it. Since her hair is so fine it won't keep a curl very well so I bought some very heavy duty gel to help with the process. The sheet also said to put all kinds of make up on...I don't think so. Ella will have the curls (hopefully) a little blush and some vaseline on the lips. It's a dance recital with 3 year old not Toddlers and Tieras people!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Growing Up Way Way to Fast

So I had a tour today for a preschool for Ella. She would start in August for 3 days a week. My baby is getting way to big to fast.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Almost 20 Questions in about 10 minute car ride

So the conversation Friday morning on the way to Elaine's consisted of...
1. Mom go down the hill (the hill in Ella's terms the slight slope in our driveway)
2. Mom stop at that stop sign
3. Mom I like stop signs
4. Mom Mason is playing with his toys
5. Mom Mason loves his toys
6. Mom how come I haven't seen a school bus
7. I'm going to ride on a school bus mommy but not until I pee & poopy on the potty
8. Wee that was fun momma (over the railroad tracks)
9. There is a white truck momma
10. Dodger (Elaine's husband) has a white truck
11. Elaine's truck is brown
12. Elaine likes blue and white. I asked her do you know why? She likes the Cats Ella. What do you like Ella (trying to get her to say the Cards)?
13. I like George (meaning Curious George)
14. Stopped at the light, Ella says people need to throw away there trash as she looks at the median.
15. Wo Momma - those cars are close (as we are setting at the light waiting to turn)
16. (Then Ella decided that Momma was a race car driver the rest of the way to Elaine's) go momma, go momma, you can do it momma
17. Go fast momma, go fast.
18. I told her no baby I can't go fast I'll get in trouble so she says ok momma go very gently.
19. Mom, go gently, gently momma.

I'm sure I'm forgetting a couple. Little girl makes me laugh!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


My little boy is growing up way to fast. He won't lay still anymore. You lay him on the floor to play and he is instantly on his belly and rolling around. He has been eating cereal twice a day and last night he tried squash for the first time. I think he liked...what do you think? He wanted more but I thought he might pop!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

February & March 2010

Our new thing on Friday nights has been watching movies. Ella & Daddy relaxing watching the movie. Notice the new boo boo on her chin. What are we going to do with her - you should see her legs, good thing they are covered by her blanket.

Mason enjoying a movie just like his mommy.

Ella loves making tents with Daddy. Her is a picture of their last massive tent. She made him play Barbie's inside of it with a flashlight when they were finished (hilarious).

Friday, March 4, 2011

So my wonderful husband has been spoiling me all week. Got to go to the U of L game on Wednesday and we had great seats, Thursday he surprised me and took me to lunch and I also attended an awards banquet after work and came home to both kids bathed and he washed and sterilzed all the bottles, and this Saturday dinner out with friends. No complaints here wish we could do this every week.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Happy Babies

What a happy boy, don't you think? He was 5 months old yesterday. We went to the doctor for a checkup and he weighs 18 pounds 14 ounces. Come on baby sleep through the night for your momma, please?

What a cheesier!