Tuesday, August 31, 2010

So we had a very busy weekend full of shopping, swimming and taking naps. Mark and Dad worked on the basement on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. Saturday morning Ella, Aunt Teresa and I went shopping and then packed a picnic lunch and headed for the park. Ella did very well but not so well at the nap time (just needs to be a little longer - please). Saturday night we celebrated Papaw's 60th bday with a cookout and of course cake. The Padgets came over to cookout and play in the backyard. Ella and Jackson sang Papaw or Mike according to Jackson (guess he hasn't picked up Eug from Jason yet) happy birthday - very cute.

Sunday after everyone left she swam in the backyard for a while and then we ate lunch and played inside since the heat was a little much. After her nap we cuddled on the couch with goldfish, milk and an Elmo movie....oh make my heart melt she looked up at me and said "mommy, I love you."

After dinner we headed back to the park in our neighborhood. It was a fairly recent added water park that Teresa and I tried to get her to play in on Saturday but she wouldn't do it. Sunday no problems at all. She was also very excited to be able to turn on the water herself since it is on a timer.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Start of August

August is a crazy month for birthday's in the family:

August 1: Happy Birthday to my big 5 year old nephew Jack aka Jackers!!! Your party was a blast and Ella can't wait to play at your house this weekend. Also on August 1st - Happy Birthday to Matt my brother-in-law who turns the big 40 (sorry Matt - Mark hasn't updated me with pics from the 4th yet)!!!

August 2nd: Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband who has been working so hard on our house during his birthday weekend. Hope you enjoyed your quiet time.