Friday, May 29, 2009

Backyard Toys

Ella had so much fun at the lake with the sand box we got her one for the backyard.

This is the car Ella got for her 1st birthday from her Grandma - she knows how to work it. Mark and I just have to follow behind her to sometimes give her a push if she gets stuck in the grass. Being a part of Mark and myself we have already discussed how the next purchase needs to be a helmet. This is a new thing also - I'm having trouble getting a good picture of Ella - she keeps blinking or looking away - she is only 16 months though.

Ella & Mommy playing while Daddy went to Uncle Jason's. She looks sleepy!!

Memorial Day Weekend Continued

Of course all the kids together - have to combine tub time - they had a blast (Kristin your tub pictures turned out much better than mine).
Uncle Scott & Ella and Aunt Kristin with my cousin Olivia on a boat ride.

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a very relaxing weekend at the lake for Memorial Day. Mark and I were a little nervous at first how Ella would react around the lake but she was a very good girl. No direct runs were ever made for the water!! Here is Ella Jean loving on her Mommy on a boat ride.

Olivia looking adorable in her pigtails!!

Captain Jack helping his Papaw drive the boat with a little assistance from a co-captain (Olivia).

I think Ella will catch the biggest fish with this pole, what do you think?

I don't know what the obsession is with the tongue but I see her doing it all the time. My guess is that when she gets older and plays sports she will look like Michael Jordan but with her tongue out to the side.

Aunt Kristin brought a fun pool for kiddos to play in.

Ella & Olivia having fun with the sand box.


Look Mark - you don't have to buy gel anymore for your hair - just takes a little applesauce and some creativity!!

Brushing Teeth

She actually loves to brush her teeth with a little assistance of course. Every morning and every night before bed. Sometimes she grabs it everytime I change her diaper (going with it, whatever keeps her occupied long enough to get her changed).

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Yes we are getting more teeth. Little Miss Ella will not let me look in her mouth but I know they are coming. The only way I can see them is if I do Humpty Dumpty with her like we did in swim class. She sways from side to side and when she falls down she opens up nice and wide when she's laughing and I can see everything. She is letting me help brush her teeth every morning and evening now. Before only she could touch the tooth brush. She was having difficulty staying awake during dinner last night because she only had an hour nap yesterday and played outside with all of her friends. After dinner we went to the playground at the park in our neighborhood. She loves the slide. Think we did it at least 20+ times. The only way I could get her interested in leaving was to say let's go take a tubby - little cutie loves her bath!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mothers Day Weekend

I think we have officially started our terrible two's at 15 months. Friday we met the Padget's out for pizza and I told her no at the table and you would have thought I ripped off a limb. This wasn't the only time over the weekend. It continued all day Saturday and Sunday. Saturday we had to go to the doctor for her 15 month shot. We didn't have to see the doctor, all they did was weigh, measure and give her one shot. She weighed 32 lbs on the big girl scale that you stand on and if memory serves I think they said 34 1/4 inches long (I didn't write it down). We were in and out in about 10 minutes. I think she is also getting ready for some more teeth because I had to dose her up with Tylenol & Orajel several times over the weekend. I tried to have a relaxing mother's day yesterday but miss Ella of course got up at 7:00 am and was very fussy all day. Mark went to the store for me while Ella finally napped so I could relax. He also made me dinner and I got a very cool new digital photo frame for work with pictures on it already. He of course did not forget to put a picture on it of he and Jason with their turkey kills. Love all the pics - thanks honey!!! Happy Mother's Day to all my mommy friends!!!

Ella enjoying her mommy's day cupcake!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I know it's a little to talk about graduation for Ella but if anyone wants to drive down she graduates from swim class this coming Wednesday (May13th). It's playtime in the pool that day and she will receive a certificate and everything (no cap and gown required). She had a good time yesterday in the pool and has really taken to some of the activities. We had to run by the store afterwards and she of course fell asleep in the car. She woke up early this morning and full of energy!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Red Eyed Ella

Well Mark took Ella on last Friday (May 1st) to the doctor because we were pretty sure that she had an ear infection and we didn't want her to feel bad for the weekend and of course since it was Oaks/Derby the doctor office was closed and he had to go to immediate care. Yes she did and they gave her an antibiotic. Saturday morning she woke up with a very pink swollen eye lid, Sunday she woke up and it was a little worse. Monday morning it was about the same as Sunday so I called the doctor's office to make sure it wasn't an allergic reaction to her antibiotic and they said it sounded like allergies due to our lovely Ohio Valley. Last night after swim class we gave her some benadryl and this morning it looked just fine. Except when Elaine called an hour ago and said her eye lid and eye ball were both red and Ella kept itching it so then I thought to myself - oh no I hope it's not pink eye! So I called the doctor again because she has also had a rash on her arms since we have started giving her this antibiotic. They asked us to bring her in - Mark did and the survey's just allergies!! Poor baby!!

Swim Class

I'm posting this pictures so everyone can see Ella in her cute little bathing suit, no comments allowed about me in mine!!

Friday, May 1, 2009


Sorry honey but I have to embarrass you and show everyone the posed hunting pictures that you guys took with your kills. Mark did write up something about the hunting trip but everyone needs to harass him for it because he won't share it with me to post on the blog. Come on honey....please? I did tease him about these pictures though and he said "are you busting my balls," yes honey I am - nice posed pics!!
The next part (sorry Jason if you read this) is hilarious. There was also another picture where the hospital tried to squeeze Jason in a XL jump suit prior to Kate's c-section. He did share this one. Is he or is he not wearing pants under that gown? I think he's mooning everyone in the delivery room!! Look at the sleeve starting to rip - how funny!!
Here is Jason & Kate's new addition, baby Will, what a cutie!! I went to see him last night after work and he is such a sweet baby. I told him to save all his poopies, like his brother Jackson did, for Uncle Mark. Mark went up later last night after dinner.